Cooperation with local communities and openness towards diversified recipients
The European Commission’s opinion is that development of scientific activity should go hand in hand with researchers’ social responsibility, but at the same time with the society’s awareness. To achieve such a state of affairs it becomes indispensable for the scientific and social spheres to cooperate. This requires a dialog between representatives of both those environments occupying equal positions. Keeping a high level of scientific research and technological innovation requires continuous recruitment of talented researchers, but also inspiration. The researchers come from a broadly understood society, and the impulse for development of research problems is posed by social needs and expectations. However, it must be kept in mind that the scientific environment should restrain from treating publicity in a paternalistic manner and perceiving it as a poor recipient of scientific activity’s results. Such an approach is related to particular democratization of the science development process. It is worth adding that democratization perceived in such a manner has its relatively practical justification, arising from the fact that financing of the scientific and research operations comes from public resources.
Solving contemporary problems
When it comes to opportunities brought by science to the area of solving contemporary problems, attention is focused on the need to improve social awareness in that scope. This is also related to recognition of potential threats and risks that can be noticed here. Thus, it is impossible to bring notions related to science and technology closer to publicity without adequate preparation of the recipients. Therefore, education, both in the formal and informal manner plays a crucial role here. On one hand, it provides individuals with the most elementary knowledge on phenomena or processes that pose the research subject in an obvious manner. On the other hand – its role should be to trigger interest in that area and achievement that emerges within it. However, it is equally important to shape some critical attitudes during the educational process, directed to some forms of scientific operations or its potential effects.